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Merkel vuelve a temblar en otro acto oficial

Se ha vuelto a buguear. Cobra fuerza la teoría de que haya perdido una apuesta y lleve un turbovibrador de control remoto en el vagino.


/home/fino/public_html/pre/wp-content/themes/doberman-child/single.php:82:int 1


/home/fino/public_html/pre/wp-content/themes/doberman-child/single.php:86:int 1

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«Men JUMP over babies in dangerous Spanish festival»

[…] Footage from the 2019 ‘baby jumping’ competition – ‘El Colacho’ -which takes place in the small village of Castrillo de Murcia in Northern Spain. Every June, men dressed as devils leap over newborn babies to drive away evil, part of the festival El Salto del Colacho. The tradition has been ongoing since 1620 and some Catholics believe the devils drive away evil. It is said the Pope has distanced himself from this dangerous religious festival. […]

Me parecía mucho más interesante pegar el texto íntegro en inglés hablando sobre esta tradición ultramierder murciana burgalesa.


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